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The SOMA Breath
Breathwork Meditation
The SOMA Breath is designed to give you energy, clarity, and improve fitness and endurance in a fun and exciting way. This 2 hour class fuses elements of yoga, qigong, and dance with the SOMA Breath technique, which includes our signature breathwork music that helps you synchronize your breathing to a perfect rhythm. You will learn how holding the breath to stimulate hypoxia is a powerful way to meditate and awaken your own endogenous entheogen, the Soma. This technique is designed to release tension, boost your mood, and train the body to become more efficient at using oxygen. Bring a yoga mat, water, and wear comfortable yoga-style clothing.
Taoist Cultivation
Qigong & Neigong
The Taoist practices of Qigong were developed as methods of cultivating the life-force energy within through somatic, breathwork, and meditative exercises. Qigong is the practice of attempting to develop a high degree of innate connection to and mastery of Qi, or etheric life-force energy. Qi is not just a metaphor for some physiological process, such as movement of air you breathe, blood, or electrical feeling in the nerves. Practice and direct knowledge will show that Qi is far deeper and more profound. While health and relaxation are natural byproducts of the practice, the deeper goal is a higher degree of spiritual connection. This class will introduce some of the foundational concepts and practices of Qigong and Taoist cultivation.
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